Inscrivez-vous pour votre période d'essai. GRATUIT, AUCUN frais caché, AUCUNE Obligation. Essayez BJJ aujourd'hui et changez votre vie!

  • 55 chemin Glen Cameron, Thornhill, ON, Canada
  • (À l'intérieur des arts martiaux de Chu)





Here is an overview of the history of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu! (BJJ) is a martial art and combat sport that focuses on grappling and ground fighting techniques. 

It originated in Brazil in the early 20th century and is based on the principles of Japanese Jiu Jitsu, which were brought to Brazil by Mitsuyo Maeda, a Japanese martial arts master, in 1914.Maeda, who was known as "Count Koma," was a student of Jigoro Kano, the founder of Judo. 

He traveled the world to promote Judo, and in 1914, he arrived in Brazil, where he was introduced to Gastão Gracie, a Brazilian businessman who was interested in learning Judo. 

Gracie was so impressed with Maeda's techniques that he invited him to stay with his family, and Maeda taught Judo to Gastão's sons, including Carlos and Hélio Gracie.Carlos and Hélio Gracie began to adapt Judo to suit their smaller statures, and they developed a new style of grappling that emphasized leverage, joint locks, and chokeholds, rather than brute strength.

 They called their style "Gracie Jiu Jitsu," and it became popular in Brazil in the 1930s and 1940s.In the 1950s, the Gracie family began to spread their style of Jiu Jitsu to the United States and other parts of the world. They founded the first Jiu Jitsu academy in the United States in 1967, and in the 1990s, they helped to create the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), a mixed martial arts competition that showcased the effectiveness of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in real-life fighting situations.

Today, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is practiced all over the world and is considered one of the most effective martial arts for self-defense and competition. It is also known for its emphasis on discipline, respect, and personal growth, as well as its welcoming and supportive community.

Here is a bit of the KingJiuJitsu state of Mind towards the students and people in BJJ Overall!

Professor Gregg and the team of Leaders and assistants, strongly believe in these and apply those principles:

Always make sure you acknowledge every student, with sincere eye contact, firm hand shake, and some genuinely kind words so that they feel appreciated, and important.

Why? Because they truly are very important.

Each and every student is very important.

As an instructor, coach, Professor, mentor, you should always strive to make the person you’re acknowledging feel like they’re the only one in the room no matter how many people are around.   
The impact you can have during these very brief moments can be incredibly powerful.

True leadership is rooted in always giving way more than you receive because our reward is the success of our students not only on the mats but especially in life, off the mats. Beyond what we may even understand. Don’t just teach Jiu-Jitsu.

You can teach so much more than just Jiu-Jitsu through Jiu-Jitsu.

Always strive to enrich and empower the lives of ALL your students.

Collectively and especially individually.

From kids to teens to adults.
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Mixed Martial Arts for kids? Yes, competition jiujitsu for kids! Children of ages 7 to 12 can participate in our family-friendly, competition-oriented jiujitsu classes. Our classes are designed to teach children the discipline and self-defense skills they need to grow into responsible adults. With a variety of combat styles and techniques, our curriculum uses games and fun exercises to keep kids engaged while they learn. Our classes are led by top of the line instructors who have decades of experience competing in mixed martial arts competitions themselves.

Teaching the Kids and Teens how to have fun while learning BJJ and Self- Defense is something we take great pride in.

When we see them smile and enjoy learning this Great, Powerful yet Gentle Martial Art, It makes it all worth it to have created such a program.

They are the next generation and we need to cherish them and show them the way, That is why Professor Gregg, his instructors and team are always there to make sure the kids have the best training, instruction and role models so that they understand the better ways of life and true discipline.

We take teaching your kids and teens seriously and will make sure that they always feel respected and rewarded for their hard work and dedication.

Many benefits will be gained from learning BJJ such as :  Increased flexibility. Quickness of the mind, Improved fitness, strength and general physical conditioning.

It would be an HONOR to teach your kids and to be their Martial Arts Professor.

Que porter pour ma première classe de Jiu Jitsu?

Le kimono est l'outil de l'artiste martial

Vous n'avez généralement pas besoin de posséder un gi de Jiu-Jitsu brésilien pour votre premier cours. T-shirts, shorts de bain et pantalons de survêtement sont tous très bien. Parfois, vous pouvez porter un gi ou un uniforme d'un autre art martial (demandez à l'instructeur à ce sujet). Vous devrez acheter un gi de Jiu-Jitsu brésilien si vous continuez à vous entraîner.

BJJ is a grappling-based martial art whose central theme is the skill of controlling a resisting opponent in ways that force him to submit. Due to the fact that control is generally easier on the ground than in a standing position, much of the technique of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is centered round the skill of taking an opponent down to the ground and wrestling for dominant control positions from where the opponent can be rendered harmless.

To control and overcome greater size, strength and aggression with lesser size and strength is the keynote of the sport. This is done by utilizing superior leverage, grip and position upon your opponent. Students of the sport gain a deep understanding of the workings and limits of the human body.

This knowledge can be used to subdue and control an opponent with whatever level of severity the student chooses. The path to this knowledge is physically and mentally demanding. Students benefit from greatly increased physical fitness, problem-solving ability, self-knowledge of their body and mind and the many social benefits of working within a large group of like-minded fellow students as you learn and have fun together.

Many students first learn about jiu jitsu through the great popularity of mixed martial arts (MMA) competition, where Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu technique is very prominent. Indeed, the beginnings of the contemporary MMA competition were largely tied up with proving the combat-efficiency of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. The practice of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu as a sport, however, is strongly separated from MMA. Daily classes do not feature kicking or punching. The focus is on safe grappling technique that can be done on a daily basis with no more fear of injury than any other contact sport.

Classes at the academy are taught all day six days a week. They feature a strength and endurance building warm-up, followed by demonstration and practice of techniques after which students engage in live wrestling with other students of their own level. It is a truly demanding workout with a strongly cerebral aspect and a sense of purpose and skill that will truly capture your imagination. Come down to the academy. Come take a look at a class or better yet, take one of the introduction classes. We are confident that jiu jitsu will become one of the most cherished and enjoyable aspects of your life. It will give you a confidence, knowledge and body-dexterity and fitness that few people will ever know.

-from John Danaher-

The Hidden Benefits of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Brazilian jiu jitsu is more than just a sport. It’s more than a martial art. It’s a way to change your life. You hear a lot of people talk about the jiu jitsu lifestyle, but what does that mean? Does it mean you train all day? Does it mean you surf and then head to class? Brazilian jiu jitsu’s benefits go beyond anything you can see. Often it’s the things you can’t see that have the biggest impact on your lifestyle.

The Physical Benefits:

Walk into any academy and talk to some of the students who have just started training Brazilian jiu jitsu and ask them what it’s has done for them. Most respond with things like, “I lost so much weight,” or, “My body is so much more flexible now.” Some talk about how much strength they have gained or how they are in better shape. The fact that Brazilian jiu jitsu will change your body cannot be denied. You can physically see your body changing with every day or week. What you can’t see is the improvements in your overall health as a result of training.

Everyone associates exercise with a look. People want to look a certain way. You won’t likely hear many people say, “I workout so I can lower my cholesterol.” The only people who say that are the ones who went to the doctor and found out they have high cholesterol and need to exercise. BJJ is no different. Students rarely walk through the door looking to improve their blood sugar, but I always tell people the best part about exercise is the stuff you can’t see. Keep this in mind when you get frustrated training. No matter how many times you got submitted, you are still doing something positive for your health.

On top of that, BJJ teaches you how to use your body as one unit. In our current society where most of the day is spent sitting, driving, or working at a computer, the body develops some strange and unnatural movement patterns.  The body awareness that BJJ teaches you is priceless. With an increase in body awareness, strength and mobility will soon follow. You can’t see improvements in strength on the mats necessarily, but in the weight room you can see the numbers on your lifts increasing. On the mats it’s harder to see, but it’s something you can feel. Improvements in mobility show up during techniques and drills that at first were difficult to complete but now you are able to move your hips better. Improvements in mobility will keep you on the mats training for a long time.

The Mental Benefits:

Beyond any physical improvements that come as a result of Brazilian jiu jitsu are the mental improvements that are often overlooked. First, the process of learning a technique requires as much mental activity as it does physical. In order to learn a technique you must practice it over and over. You study the technique just like you would a subject for school, and then learn to apply it. Learning to apply the technique can be the most challenging part. When attempting a new move during live rolling or drilling it can be difficult to complete. In order to improve you must keep attempting the technique over and over again. Then drill it some more and try again for months, sometimes years before you start catching people during rolling.

If you are the type of person that when things get hard you get frustrated and quit, BJJ is not your sport. In life when things get frustrating do you walk away or keep pushing forward? Just like learning a technique, if you quit you will never learn. This is true for any goal. On the path to reach that goal there are going to be times of frustration and if you stop you will never reach the top.

One of the hidden benefits of BJJ is what the struggle of learning, drilling, and rolling does for you. Walking into a class after spending months learning a technique, attempting it, and being crushed by everyone is not a good feeling. What is a good feeling is walking in the next day and trying it again. The mental strength to keep pushing even when things are not going your way will show up in other areas of your life outside of the gym.

And things don’t always go our way, in the gym or in life. Everyone has stress in their lives. It’s how we deal with the stress that is important. BJJ is a great stress relief. After a long day at work or school, you can walk into the academy and everything goes away. The last thing you want to think about when someone is trying to armbar or choke you is your bad day at work. BJJ requires focus. When your instructor is showing technique, if you are not paying attention you could miss a key detail. That key detail could be the difference between completing the move or getting your guard passed.

Another benefit is that training allows for you to “let your anger out.” During rolling and drilling you can take that anger and built-up frustration and release it on the mat. Roll hard. Let it out. You will find after an intense rolling or drilling session you will feel better. Use the academy as an outlet. It’s one to two hours where the time is yours. No one is going to be asking you about your bad day at work while rolling. Training time is your time.

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The system of progressing through the various Jujitsu belts is also used in a number of other martial arts. These belts provide milestones that students can use to quantify their progress as they work towards mastering the art. Students that spend more time training and honing their skills will be rewarded with a faster progression through the Jujitsu belts.

Although the Jujitsu belt ranking system is a Western invention, there are rumours that this tradition originated in the East. According to ancient myth, a novice to a martial art would have a clean, white belt, which would become dirty and coloured over time, representing their progress.

Completing the Syllabus:

Most Jujitsu training academies will have a solid structure in place for evaluating a student’s progression. For each stage of the learning process - or belt - academies have defined a list of techniques that students must be able to perform. This syllabus gives students a clear idea of what is required for each stage, allowing them to see themselves progressing as they move closer towards the next milestone.


The Jujitsu student and instructor will both decide, based on the progress, whether the student is ready to test their ability and be promoted to the next Jujitsu belt. If the student is deemed to be ready, they will perform an assessment involving a demonstration of their ability to perform the techniques required.

If the student completes each element of the grading process to an adequate level, they will be awarded a new belt, and will progress through to the next stage towards mastering the art of Jujitsu.

How Fast Will You Progress?

The speed of your progression depends on what stage of the learning process you are in. An adult starting out in Jujitsu should expect to achieve their next belt grade every three months, until they reach the green belt. From this stage, techniques become more complex and difficult, and usually take a longer time to master. By the time you reach brown belt, it may take as long as two years to progress to black.

Tags for Younger Students;

Many academies will award 'tags', as well as belts, to younger students in an attempt to keep them interested. Younger students can get bored relatively quickly, and these tags allow them to constantly see themselves progressing. Tags can be given to reward a student for mastering as few as three techniques, giving them a clear indication of their progression.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Belts:

For adults, the belt system for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is slightly more condensed. Participants will progress through the belts in the following order:

Yellow (Kids)
Orange (Kids)
Green (Kids)
Black (Professor)
Red-Black (Master Rank)
Red (Grand Master)

Although it may appear as if you will be able to progress through to the black belt faster than with Jujitsu, this is simply not the case. It has been known to take as long as three years for a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu student to progress to the blue belt.

Those who take up Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu often have prior skills and experience in another martial art. These students are already familiar with the belt system, and hence do not need regular grading to feel that they are progressing.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu academies are also faced with the problem of maintaining interest amongst younger students. Because juniors cannot usually progress to blue belt, schools often make use of a separate grading system for younger students. Those who are younger than 16 years old can work their way through Yellow, Orange and Green belts, preparing them for the adult grading system.

As with most things in life, what you get out of your Jiu-Jitsu training will depend on what you put in. Establishing a regular, intense training routine will obviously yield much faster results than merely training once per fortnight. It is often said that earning your BJJ black belt should take as many as 16 years!

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Grading System:

The grading system for BJJ is quite a lot difference to Japanese Jujitsu. Instead of having to complete a syllabus in order to progress between belts, BJJ students must instead demonstrate their ability to cope in various scenarios. Keeping calm, collected and showing a clear understanding of the task at hand will result in BJJ students being promoted to the next belt. Only in this state of mind are students able to concentrate purely on technique.

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$175/Mth + Tax for Month to Month.
(We have 3-6-12 Months Plans so you can SAVE!)


BJJ classes tend to be more expensive than other martial arts such as Judo and Karate.

This is because the head coach is often a full time gym owner and BJJ schools tend to offer a lot more classes.

In general, the bigger the gym, the higher the cost of membership. Some of the factors that can impact BJJ pricing includes: How many classes does the gym offer per week? Is listed price include full or limited membership? What are the teacher’s qualification? Gym location? Does the academy or have multiple locations/affiliates where you can train? Quality of the facilities?

Speak with our staff about our memberships, schedules and our affiliate schools where you can train. BJJ Uniform (Gi or Kimono) - These range from $70 to $250 depending on brand. Average cost is about $100 to $150. Competitions/Tournaments Seminars

(We are month to month, No contracts. You're not locked into anything. 
Please, If you need to freeze or cancel your Tuition, give us 30 days notice. There are no refunds issued) 

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Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a martial art, combat sport and a self defense system that focuses on grappling and especially ground fighting. BJJ promotes the concept that a smaller person can successfully defend against a bigger, stronger assailant by using proper technique, leverage and most notably, taking the fight to the ground.

Professor Gregg King is a second degree BJJ Black Belt under Professor Hugo Fevrier, a 4th Degree BJJ Black Belt, Owner and Founder of the Tropa De Elite, Currently residing in the South of France.

Professor Gregg is a Sport JiuJitsu competitor and focuses a lot on the Self-Defense aspect of JiuJitsu. He is Very Passionate about the Art of JiuJitsu and Sharing that passion with the students.

With 15 years of teaching experience, I will make sure you learn the Quality Jiu-Jitsu and Self-Defense techniques in a Friendly and Ego-Free Environment!

Successful and experienced in SuperFights and in Competition, Gregg is always seeking a challenge, Win or Lose, The learning process is what he takes pride in.

He is a Coach that goes on the battlefield with his students and Shares the Blood, Sweat and Tears with them!


Essayez-le avec nous!

Nous prenons l'enseignement au sérieux. Nous nous assurons qu'après chaque cours, vous sentez que vous avez appris quelque chose de nouveau tout en vous amusant et en forme.

  •  03/15/2023 10:31

Le JiuJitsu est tout ce que nous aimons et dont nous avons besoin en UNE SEULE chose ! Voici pourquoi !

  •  05/30/2016 00:00

Voici les pionniers de notre art martial. Le grand peuple qui nous l'a apporté. Nos grands maîtres et maîtres.

John H

King jiu-jitsu est un endroit incroyable pour apprendre vos bases en self-défense et en jiu jitsu. Je suis tombé sur les cours du professeur Gregg recommandés par un ami et j'ai tellement appris en l'espace d'un mois. L'apprentissage de cet art m'a également aidé dans d'autres facettes de ma vie. Si vous envisagez de rejoindre ou même de prendre quelques cours, je le recommande vivement. Oss!

Michele F

Si tu veux former de beaux BJJ, c'est l'endroit!

Dav Y

Gregg est une personne formidable qui adhère sincèrement à sa philosophie et à son approche du coaching BJJ. Il est également un excellent ambassadeur et représentant de la communauté BJJ locale. Tout le monde que je connais n'a que des choses positives à dire à propos du professeur Gregg King et de son école.

Rob G

Grande école pour tous les niveaux de praticiens du BJJ. Gregg King est l'un des hommes les plus gentils de Jiu Jitsu et ses étudiants sont tous des animaux.

Dane B

King Jiu-Jitsu offre un environnement d'entraînement qui reflète la philosophie personnelle de Gregg sur le BJJ: Entraînez-vous dur et l'agneau devient le lion. Gregg forme des champions et change des vies grâce à son approche mixte qui combine le programme traditionnel d'autodéfense avec les techniques les plus pertinentes du jeu de jiu-jitsu sportif moderne. Les étudiants sous sa tutelle sont équipés pour se défendre et défendre les personnes qu'ils aiment, et concourent aux plus hauts niveaux du sport BJJ et MMA. Plus important encore, ils apprennent les valeurs de bravoure, de confiance et de résilience au cours de ses cours, qui intègrent des exercices de musculation, des exercices de conditionnement, des instructions détaillées et des combats en direct. Gregg investit massivement dans les nouveaux étudiants et son approche accueillante a fait du KJJ un club familial où tout le monde peut se sentir chez soi. Je recommanderais ce club et cette équipe à tous ceux qui souhaitent se lancer dans le BJJ.

Steve S

J'adore l'atmosphère et l'enseignement technique que le professeur Greg King enseigne. Je recommande vivement cette salle de sport à tous les niveaux de personnes souhaitant apprendre le BJJ. Une chose qui différencie cette salle de gym des autres est qu'elle enseigne également l'autodéfense classique BJJ, où beaucoup d'autres gymnases n'enseignent que l'aspect sportif.

Rafaele C

Environnement sûr et amusant. Vous pouvez trouver du Jiu Jitsu brésilien de sport et d'autodéfense. Le professeur Gregg est toujours enclin à écouter les étudiants et à améliorer les cours. Il apporte constamment de nouvelles techniques à la table et invite souvent des faixa pretas (ceintures noires) de haut niveau pour aider à construire l'arsenal des pratiquants.


Grand instructeur très impliqué dans la communauté BJJ

Darson H

Grande école avec de nouveaux visages amicaux régulièrement. Réjouissez-vous de la prochaine séance d'entraînement à tapis ouvert! OSS

Richard J. H

Les professeurs Gregg King et King Jiu-Jitsu constituent le guichet unique pour tous vos besoins en matière de Jiu-Jitsu Brésilien, qu’il s’agisse de l’autodéfense traditionnelle, de la compétition ou d’un style de vie sain! Hommes, femmes et enfants de tous âges! En plus de cela, il est vraiment un bon gars!

Michael Mc

Mon fils et moi adorons l'excellent professeur professeur Gregg King et l'atmosphère familiale. Recommande fortement.

Dayne J

Gregg est un instructeur exceptionnel. Gregg adore l’entraînement et dispose d’un excellent moyen d’inspirer les étudiants et de renforcer leur confiance en eux. Super un sur un coaching. Il est un instructeur très détaillé et technique et une personne formidable.

Fabio F

Greg est l'un des hommes les plus gentils que j'ai jamais rencontrés. Gloire

Jason F

Une instruction solide avec le bon état d'esprit sur la façon d'influencer positivement les gens à travers les arts martiaux et le Jiu Jitsu!

Ryan C

Sensei Gregg prend soin de ses étudiants et est un pratiquant dévoué du BJJ. Vraiment recommandé pour tous les âges et vous ne serez pas déçu.

Adisa J

Gregg est un instructeur vraiment inspirant qui pratique ce qu'il prêche. Il est techniquement solide et veille à ce que vous compreniez parfaitement les bases avant de passer à autre chose. Rappelez-vous toujours qu '«Une base solide mène au succès futur.» Si vous souhaitez commencer votre aventure BJJ, essayez King Jiu-Jitsu.

Domenic P

Greg est une partie étonnante de la culture BJJ. Il a énormément de passion pour l'art du jiujitsu qu'il est difficile de trouver. Essayez un cours et voyez par vous-même !!